5 Things PSAOs Don’t Do – and the Many Ways They Can Help Your Health System Specialty Pharmacy

Discover how services provided by PSAOs may help increase revenue and support patient care.

Read time: 5 minutes

By: McKesson Health Systems Editorial Team

For specialty pharmacies, having help with managing pharmacy benefits relieves the burden of tasks beyond their professional focus. For those owned by PBMs, these advantages are already built into the process. For health system pharmacies, however, specialty focused PSAOs have emerged to help evaluate, execute, and navigate PBMs contracts on the pharmacy’s behalf — providing a range of administrative support services that may include assisting specialty pharmacies in gaining access to PBMs networks, navigating PBMs-specific credentialing requirements, building strong relationships with insurers, and others.

Five things you may be interested to learn PSAOsdon’t do include:

  • Intervene in drug pricing, patient cost, or reimbursement rates
  • Manage health plan drug formularies
  • Take a portion of pharmacy reimbursement
  • Charge dispensing fees or a portion of direct or indirect reimbursement (DIR) fees
  • Create provider networks

To learn more about what services are provided by PSAOs and how they may help increase revenue and support patient care to help you achieve more for your business of pharmacy, download our free eBook, Keeping Pace with Challenges for In-House Specialty Pharmacies.

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