Do You Know the Answer to This Important Question for Improving the Performance of Your PAP in Offsetting Pharmacy Expenses?

A fundamental question to ask – and answer – about offsetting pharmacy expenses with PAP.

Read time: 2 minutes

By: McKesson Health Systems Editorial Team

In one of our most recent eBooks, we outline 10 essential questions every CFO and pharmacy leader should answer to help achieve more for the business of pharmacy. One of those questions is:

To improve the performance of your PAP in offsetting pharmacy expenses, you must know if the program is designed to improve:

  • Financial impact
  • Resource allocation
  • Patient affordability and access
  • Revenue growth
  • Compliance and reporting
  • Program improvements

McKesson can design a Patient Assistance Program (PAP) that provides improved flexibility and helps you achieve your financial goals. These customized PAP solutions help offset pharmacy expenses by improving medication access, reducing dispensing costs, increasing medication adherence, expanding financial assistance, and more. With our experts and the right PAP solution, you can enhance financial performance and health outcomes across your health system.

Download the full eBook now to read all 10 of the fundamental questions that can help analyze drug spend to improve financial success across the health system.

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